Our Origin

Our birth begins from, 'Alba Consolidated Resources’ which is a name with a distinctive meaning. Our logo represented by the characters “ACR” defines our mission.

 ALBA; translated from Spanish native language means SunriseCONSOLIDATED; means to Unify and lastly, RESOURCES; means collective wealth.

In our domain, sustainability is part of our DNA and as such is also mimicked by the first characters represented in our name.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlines the world’s common agenda for 2030. Our Mission is to Aggressively Collaborate utilizing on collective wealth from the abundant Resources in Africa in a bid to participate and contribute towards the universal call to action to end poverty, promote gender equality, protect the planet, whilst fighting corruption and ensuring that all people will enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

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What we do

Alba Consolidated Resources (“ACR”) encapsulates the amalgamation of a diverse portfolio of projects managed by companies involved in Agriculture, Trade Finance Consultancy, Jewellery Manufacturing, Gold Mining, and Distribution of Various Commodities & Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa.

Mining Portfolio

ACR’s mining portfolio comprises Gold and Nickel base metal projects

Agriculture Portfolio

ACR's focus is on marketing and distribution of EASI Seeds and Farm Inputs in the Midlands region of Zimbabwe.

Logistics Portfolio

The Group's fleet primarily supports the activities of the group.

Impact Investment Private Fund

ACF is an impact investment private fund which primarily finances projects within the group.